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Divorce is almost always a stressful process. Unfortunately, it’s often even more stressful when couples are in what’s known as a “contested divorce” and have to go to court. Please continue reading and reach out to a highly-skilled Bergen County divorce attorney from McNerney & McAullife to learn more about how divorce works, whether there are alternative options, and how our legal team can help you through each step of the process ahead. Here are some of the questions you may have:

Is there a way to avoid going to court for a divorce?

The first thing to understand is that there are two types of divorces: contested and uncontested. If you’re in an uncontested divorce, meaning you and your spouse can agree on each term of your divorce, including custody, support, and property division, you likely can avoid a protracted battle in court. However, if you can’t agree on your divorce terms and are in a contested divorce, your divorce will most likely have to be litigated in a courtroom setting, wherein the terms of your divorce will be decided upon by a judge or jury. Understandably, for most people, going to court for their divorce is a rather undesirable prospect, and for a variety of reasons. Fortunately, depending on your circumstances, you may have a viable alternative to litigation in divorce mediation.

What are some of the benefits of divorce mediation?

There are several benefits of hiring a divorce mediator to help you and your spouse hash out any disagreements you may have about your final divorce decree. To start, a divorce mediator is an unbiased third party who is typically an attorney. The goal of a mediator is to help you and your spouse talk things out and reach a compromise with all contested matters concerning your divorce. Additionally, mediation is done outside of a courtroom setting, which often allows for a more relaxed environment. Further, mediation helps keep your divorce private, as you won’t have to each state your cases in front of a judge or jury. Finally, among other things, divorce mediation is an overall better option, as spouses are often more content when reaching a compromise, as opposed to a judge simply deciding on sensitive matters, such as child custody, on their behalf.

If you have any questions about mediation or your divorce in general, or you need an attorney who can effectively represent you and your interests, please don’t hesitate to contact our legal team today.


If you require the legal assistance of an attorney to help you through a criminal law matter, personal injury matter, family law matter, or otherwise, contact McNerney & McAuliffe today.

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