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Bergen County Dog Bites Attorney

Dog Bite Attorneys in Hackensack, NJ

Many people in New Jersey consider their dogs to be part of the family. The relationship between people and their dogs is a significant bond that cannot be disputed. When an owner takes the time to properly train their dog, they can be very obedient and well behaved. Unfortunately, not all dog owners put the time and effort into training their dogs as they should. As a result, the dog may lash out on another person and cause them to become seriously injured. Dog bites can result in significant injuries such as broken bones, nerve damage, torn muscles, and more. If you have been seriously injured in a dog bite accident in New Jersey, it is important to consider your legal options. The legal team at McNerney & McAuliffe has nearly 50 years of combined experience representing clients throughout New Jersey who have been injured due to the negligence of a dog owner. Contact our firm today to schedule a personal injury consultation and learn more about how we can help.

New Jersey Dog Bite Laws

Dog bites are taken very seriously throughout the state of New Jersey. New Jersey is a strict liability state, meaning that a dog’s owner can be held responsible if the dog attacks another person. It is important to note that this is true even if the dog does not have a vicious propensity. This is only true if you were attacked by the dog on public property or if you were lawfully on someone’s private property. However, if you were trespassing on the dog owner’s private property or if you taunted the dog, the owner may not be held responsible because you hold some level of responsibility.

Vicious Dogs in New Jersey

If a dog attacks another person or kills a domestic pet in the state of New Jersey, it can be listed as vicious. This is true regardless of the dog’s breed. If there is reasonable cause to believe that a dog caused an innocent person serious bodily injury, an animal control officer has the authority to impound the dog. The dog’s owner may have to go to a hearing where the court will decide whether the dog is considered “vicious or potentially dangerous” by a legal standard. If the court does determine that the dog is dangerous, the owner may have to take special precautions to keep the dog. For example, the owner may have to get a special license, keep the dog in a locked enclosure or with a muzzle in public, have warning signs on their property, and have a special license to continue owning the dog. In some of the most extreme dog bite cases, the court may determine that the dog must be euthanized in order to prevent anyone else from becoming seriously injured.

After a Dog Bite

If you have been injured by a vicious dog in New Jersey, it is important to consider your legal options. You will be required to fulfill the burden of proof and prove that the dog caused you to become seriously injured because the owner failed to control the dog’s behavior. There are a number of ways that you can fulfill the burden of proof. First, you may want to contact emergency services so local law enforcement can document the incident. Additionally, a medical professional can treat you accordingly and effectively document the injuries that you suffered as a result of the dog bite. If there were any witnesses to the incident, it may be beneficial to obtain their contact information as well. It is also important to ask the owner for information regarding the dog’s rabies vaccination history.

Recovering Damages

In a successful dog bite case, you may be able to recover significant damages for the burdens caused by the accident. You may be entitled to economic damages that can help offset the cost of your medical expenses, lost wages, need to hire in-home care, and more. Additionally, you may also be entitled to noneconomic damages for your emotional distress, pain and suffering, loss of quality of life, and more.

Contact a Bergen County Dog Bites Attorney

If you have been injured in a dog bite attack, it is important to contact an experienced personal injury attorney as soon as possible. Our firm is ready to help you find justice in the wake of being injured by the vicious behaviors of a dog and its irresponsible owner. The legal team at the McNerney & McAuliffe has nearly 50 years of combined experience representing clients who have been seriously injured due to negligence. For an effective attorney who can fight for justice on your behalf, contact the legal team at McNerney & McAuliffe today to schedule a personal injury consultation.

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