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New Jersey has recently seen an uptick in domestic violence cases, in large part to the COVID-19 pandemic. These cases are extremely time-sensitive, which is why if you are a victim of domestic violence, you should contact the authorities and contact our compassionate Bergen County family law attorneys today. Nobody should have to live in fear, even in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Do not wait another day. Please read on and reach out to our firm to learn more about how to get the protection you and your family deserve.

Getting a Restraining Order in the Wake of COVID-19

While “non-essential” court cases across New Jersey are temporarily delayed, you should note that victims of domestic violence can still take action against their abusers. Courts are still taking these cases, and it is not too difficult to receive a Temporary Restraining Order against your abuser. If you wish to establish a TRO, you must first notify your local police department of the incident. At this time, ensure you describe every detail of the incident so they understand that this is a pressing matter and will expedite your case. At this time, they should speak with a municipal court judge, who should grant you a TRO, thus temporarily protecting you and your children from the abuser.

In most cases, you will attend court within 10 days at a hearing where they will consider making the temporary restraining order permanent. Our firm can help you gather and assemble various types of evidence that prove your case to ensure you are protected. Some of this evidence can include videos of the incident, pictures of/medical documents regarding your injuries, threatening text messages or voicemails, a copy of the police report, and more. The hearing may not be conducted in person, as the new coronavirus has caused many courts to hold these conferences over the phone or via video conference. As long as you can prove your case, you should be granted a Final Restraining Order against your abuser. For more information, please do not hesitate to speak with our compassionate New Jersey family law attorneys today.


When someone is injured due to another party’s negligence, it is only right that they receive the justice they deserve. As a victim, your only job is to call us, and we will take it from there. Please, do yourself a favor and do not wait. If you or someone you know was injured in an accident and is seeking financial compensation, contact the legal team at McNerny & McAuliffe today. Our firm is also experienced in handling legal matters relating to divorce, family law, criminal law, and more. We are here to help.

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