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You and your former spouse may not agree on much. But you likely agree on the fact that you wish for your child to remain as unaffected as possible in the aftermath of your divorce. What’s more, the New Jersey family court will share a similar goal when finalizing your child custody, child support, and other divorce-related terms. Follow along to find out how you can ensure the best interests of your child and how a proficient Bergen County divorce attorney at McNerney & McAuliffe can work on your and your child’s behalf.

What factors does the New Jersey family court consider when making decisions regarding my child?

The New Jersey family court may take your and your former spouse’s arguments into consideration when deciding on child custody and child support. But ultimately, it may make a ruling that they believe works in the best interest of your child. For this, it may focus on the following factors:

  • For a child custody decision:
    • Whether you or your former spouse is considered to be an unfit parent.
    • Whether you or your former spouse express a willingness to take on custody responsibilities.
    • The type of relationship that you and your former spouse have already established with your child.
    • Your child’s preference, if they are of a mature age.
  • For a child support decision:
    • The standard of living that your child has grown accustomed to during your and your former spouse’s marriage.
    • The financial standings of both your and your former spouse.
    • The educational, medical, and special needs of your child.
    • The child custody decision that has already been arranged.

In what ways can I ensure the best interests of my child in my divorce?

The number one thing that you and your former spouse can do to ensure your child’s best interests throughout your divorce proceedings is to remain amicable. Being amicable sets an example for your child, as it shows them that you and your former spouse still respect each other and work together as a team. Overall, it makes the adjustment process all the more easy for your child to handle.

In addition, it is always best practice for you and your former spouse to comply with the child custody and child support orders that have been set forth by the New Jersey family court. This is regardless of whether you are completely satisfied with its decision. This is because your child may thrive in a routine of following a consistent custody schedule and financial support schedule. Again, this aids them in the transition period that comes with having divorced parents.

Lastly, you may ensure that your child’s best interests are met by fiercely fighting for them throughout your divorce proceedings. This calls for proper legal representation. So please consider contacting a talented Bergen County family law attorney. Our team at McNerney & McAuliffe is ready and willing to assist you.

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