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Many of us take the train or bus every day, and usually without incident. However, if you are one of the unlucky few who are injured in a bus or train accident, you must read on and reach out to our experienced New Jersey personal injury attorneys to learn more about mass transit accidents and how we can help you recover the compensation you need.

How do bus accidents happen?

Though buses generally travel at low speeds, they are not accident-immune. Some of the most common causes of bus accidents are as follows:

  • Recklessly discharging passengers
  • Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Neglectinglarge blind spots
  • Texting while driving the bus
  • Ignoring traffic lights and signs
  • Driving while fatigued

What causes train accidents?

Train accidents are rare, and most people are fortunate enough that they will never be involved in one in their lifetime. However, train accidents do happen. Some of the most common causes are as follows:

  • Stopped cars on the track
  • Derailments
  • Mechanical failures
  • Loose screws and bolts in tracks
  • Operating the train while under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Negligent train conductors

How can I recover compensation after a mass transit accident?

To recover compensation, you will have to prove that you were injured as a direct result of another party’s actions. This can either be train or bus operators, maintenance crews, or manufacturers. To prove your personal injury claim, our firm will work to obtain various types of evidence, including pictures of the unsafe conditions that caused the accident, surveillance footage of the accident as it happened, police reports of the incident, witness statements corroborating your claim, and more.

Generally, the statute of limitations for personal injury claims in New Jersey is two years, meaning individuals have two years from the date of their accident to take legal action against another party. However, when suing municipalities, individuals have far less time to file a Notice of Claim. If you have been injured in an accident, you must bring your case to our attention as soon as possible. We are ready to begin fighting for your rights as soon as you ask.

Contact our experienced New Jersey firm

When someone is injured due to another party’s negligence, it is only right that they receive the justice they deserve. As a victim, your only job is to call us, and we will take it from there. Please, do yourself a favor and do not wait. If you or someone you know was injured in an accident and is seeking financial compensation, contact the legal team at McNerny & McAuliffe today. Our firm is also experienced in handling legal matters relating to divorce, family law, criminal law, and more. We are here to help.

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