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Most parents are very nervous when they drop their child off at daycare because they are now trusting another adult to care for their child in the same way they would. Usually, daycare is a positive experience for children, where they learn how to make friends, play new sports, and more.

Unfortunately, daycare staff is sometimes negligent, and children are hurt as a result. This is obviously very disturbing for any parent who returns to an injured or sickly child. If your child was put in harm’s way at a daycare, you are most likely now seeking financial compensation to help cover the cost of your child’s medical bills, in-home care, and more. If you find yourself in this situation, here are some of the questions you may have regarding your legal options going forward:

What does daycare negligence look like?

Daycare negligence is a very serious issue, and in some cases, negligence may even extend to abuse. If you notice your child has recently lost weight or is returning home from daycare with bruises and scratches regularly, there is a chance your child is being abused. Additionally, if you notice rusty playground equipment, mold, sharp objects are strewn about, broken glass, and more, then you can be sure your daycare is not providing your child with an adequately safe environment.

How do I sue a daycare facility?

To sue a negligent daycare facility, you will have to prove that the staff or owner owed your child a duty of care, breached that duty of care via a negligent or abusive act, and that your child was directly injured and suffered damages as a result. However, this is not always easy, which is why you will need an experienced attorney who knows how to establish the most convincing claim possible. Your attorney will collect several types of evidence, including, though not limited to:

  • Security camera footage of the incident
  • Pictures of your child’s injuries
  • Pictures of the hazardous living conditions
  • Police reports of the incident
  • Witness statements verifying the accident or incident of abuse
  • Medical documentation detailing the extent of your child’s injuries

If you believe your child is the victim of a negligent or abusive daycare, do not wait any longer. Contact our compassionate firm today. We are ready to aggressively fight for your child’s right to a safe, clean, daycare experience.

Contact our experienced New Jersey firm

When someone is injured due to another party’s negligence, it is only right that they receive the justice they deserve. As a victim, your only job is to call us, and we will take it from there. Please, do yourself a favor and do not wait. If you or someone you know was injured in an accident and is seeking financial compensation, contact the legal team at McNerny & McAuliffe today.

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